Level Making and Mishaps

When making the level that the player was going to traverse on we didn't set a scaling before hand. Because of this oversight when the level was finished and after we imported the character we saw a clear difference between the scaling of the player and that of the level.  Because of this, simple jumps that were meant to be done with just one press of the jump key were made impossible. Instead the player would've needed to cheat and find a way to spam the jump button just to reach the first platform, something obviously not intended in the level's design.

So, we needed to start modifying the scaling of the level to better accommodate the player. This was done by manually having to scale down the size of the level to better suit the scale of the player character as well as the enemies. We technically could've instead increased the scaling of the player models, but to avoid possible animator and scaling issues when it game to gameplay implementation with our models, we decided it was wiser to instead scale down our level. Despite this small set back, we did manage to get a se scale for future level creation as well as updating our prefabs for future use.  Although this was a problem that did somewhat affect our time that could've been set on something else it's good to get it out of the way now as to better create a level that helps the player feel as if it is challenging but not impossible  or sluggish to traverse

Author: Gustavo Camacho

Posted on 03/22/2024

Get Suits of the Abyss

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